Tuesday, July 6, 2010

About this Blog

I have been reading Christian-oriented books for several years. I enjoy reading fiction and nonfiction books, and books that reflect Christian values. Occasionally, I'll read a Louis L'amour western, or a United States history book (I'm a fan of the Lewis and Clark era,) but I think I enjoy Christian books the most.

I'm not the fastest reader, and I don't have all of the time to read that I'd like. Like most middle-aged men, I work full time :) So, don't be concerned if I go 2 or 3 weeks between posts -- it's just "me" taking my time! I'll try to keep a "What I'm Reading Now" post on the blog, just to let you know what I'm working on.

Also, don't be put-off or offended by the title of this blogs. The books I will review are probably not "for men only." I'm not sexist, of course. Simply, I want to provide comments and suggestions about Christian-oriented books that men would enjoy. Women would probably enjoy these books too! My hope is that a man who is looking for a good book to read might find this blog, and consider one of my suggestions.

And, I had to call the blog something! (As bloggers know, many/most of the "best" names are taken.)

So - I hope you enjoy my postings. God bless, and happy reading.